Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

I'm just trying to develop an online body of work (even if the work is throwaway nonsense) to advance my writing career.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Universe Is Controlled By Cats

Where you see disorder and chaos, cats see constantly moving spheres and points of light, all of which need a good paw-batting.

One problem with the world today is people are too eager to condemn the indefensible actions of those they despise and too eager to mitigate the indefensible actions of those they like or support. So provincial. So simple minded. And personally, I detest people who behave this way unless they're from Indiana like me!

Based on my read of the situation, Mel Gibson does have anti-Semitic tendencies. He claims he's not an anti-Semite and his bizarre comments were "the bottle talking." I don't think the bottle lets him completely off the hook here. Gibson isn't, as far as I can tell, a Jew-hating, Jew-baiting, Israel-bashing, Woody Allen-thrashing vicious antagonist toward all things Kosher; he's just a guy who seems a little wary of Jews when he's drunk and makes movies that don't cast them in the best light. If I'm right--and before you get flippant, it has happened before--what would be so wrong with Gibson admitting his bias and saying he's working on it? Meanwhile, his punishment should be lunch with Peter Falk in full Columbo character, raincoat and Peugot included. "Just one more question, Mr. Gibson..."

Is it not rather cruel coincidence that the word "lisp" is very difficult to pronounce for people who lisp? And "hare lip"? Shouldn't people with speech impediments at least be able to pronounce their afflictions without embarrassment? It's a patently unfair thing. I don't have a speech impediment per se, but for a long time, I had trouble pronouncing the word "minimum", tending to say "miminum" instead. What causes these things?

I think one reason men behave in a selfish, obnoxious, loutish, narcissistic and sulking manner is because they see how much attention women give three year olds when they act that way.

It's a shame the capital of Pakistan is called Islamabad because I think that would make a great name for a place to send Muslims who misbehave.

A while back, I thought of a way to interrogate prisoners without resorting to torture: offer them lots and lots of money and then don't give it to them. Most people probably think this wouldn't work with religious extremists, but I say you never know until you try.

Speaking of Islam, in the winter of 1997, I attempted to observe Ramadan. For the uninitiated, no food or water can be consumed during the dayligt hours. I got sick. The lack of food I could handle, but not having anything to drink for so long got the best of me. Individuals who are traveling, sickly or pregnant may ignore the Ramadan restrictions and by the time it was all over, I felt all three. The family I was staying with at the time was very understanding. Although I fell short of my goal, the entire experience was Islamagood for me.

Yes, I'm ashamed so save your reproachful commentary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think one reason men behave in a selfish, obnoxious, loutish, narcissistic and sulking manner is because they see how much attention women give three year olds when they act that way."

18 September, 2006 12:36  

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